Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thermostat For Saburu

morning, 12:23 in Germany

Good morning world!
Well. It's already after 12 But it seems to me still as in the morning. Because I'm kinda tired. Fault that I could not sleep, was this man who just stood there at half past 10 in front of the door and me rang in my dreams. Do you know that this "Whoa, you can make me look!"-feeling when you just got, you're sleepy and not ready and then simply because one is due to the good mood up and grins gleefully? Terrible! And no, that's not enough that the wax ring you. You can also set up, of course not sleep because the apartment with the wonderful sounds of a drill, then a vacuum cleaner is full. Well, the good craftsmen. I hope that they at least have made everything clean and I do not again make such a mess as the Last time must enjoy. But now may not look
MISSION EFD .. It was News from ICJA, the organization where I applied for the FDF. On Monday came the mail. Content: If you had technical problems, so we are only now getting a response. Have once again thanks for the promotion and for our patience. Then the most important: You have 2 weekends, hosting the information seminars. The last one in October in the vicinity of Erfurt and then a mid-December in Berlin. Which are then again in each 2 seminars divided. Friday-Saturday and Saturday-Sunday. The dates of where we are invited are likely to be decided on the basis of the distance to each location. However, there are probably many applicants and they can not invite everyone to the first weekend, so they will meet this week, a preliminary decision and sign up. This week. And that surely ought to either be today or tomorrow. Uiui. And because I've submitted the first application period (30.09.) My application, my application will be taken into account in the second application period, should I first weekend will not be invited. Unless Sogut. Now it is wait and hope. I'd so really like to be invited to the first. First, there are less Fahtkosten and secondly, I would get even in November know if I am taken. And should not that be the case, I will definitely send out additional applications. Sun Please keep your fingers crossed! I'll be in touch again when I know more. Or just something in between meals. : D
Until later. (:


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